

Start your online store without inventory

Dropshipping is a business model that allows you to have all of our stock without having to invest a single euro.


Have you ever gone shopping at a store and been told to come back to pick up your purchase in a couple of days? What happened is that they did not have the product in stock and in order to sell it to you they had to first buy it from their supplier. Dropshipping is exactly that but with the peculiarity that the store that sells is on the internet and it is the supplier who sends the purchase directly to the end customer by mail.


Despite this, Dropshipping continues to scare and confuse the traditional merchant. That is why in this guide we are only going to teach you everything you need to practice dropshipping:

We are going to speak directly with all the suppliers in each sector in Spain (and soon South America) to convince them to practice dropshipping.
We are going to teach you how to set up an online store quickly and start selling.
You will learn all the legal aspects of Dropshipping.
We are going to instruct you on how to negotiate a payment gateway with your bank and achieve the best conditions.
We are going to reveal to you the best transport companies and you will learn to negotiate the best price with them.



A method of shipping and delivering retail orders in which it is not necessary for the store to have the products it sells in stock. Instead, when the store sells a product, it buys it from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. As a result, the merchant never sees or handles the product.


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