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Every successful product is the result of hard work, which applies to every business sector. With intuition alone it is not possible to create a product that people like and is useful, since you must also carry out research, in addition to carrying out a process of reflection, planning and differentiation from the rest, among many other things. Share the challenges you faced in designing this product, as well as the steps you and your team had to take to overcome them.


There are many ways to invest money and one of them is to invest it in a business, company or project. When you make the decision to invest, you look for the path that best satisfies your investment needs based on the parameters of profitability and return on money.

Currently, to invest money in a business or company, you can go to the financial market on the Stock Exchange and acquire part of the companies in the form of shares or also. There are platforms called crowdequity where investors invest directly in companies that carry out capital increases. But there are also other types of platforms such as crowdlending platforms where investors lend and invest in companies but in the form of loans, that is, individual investors lend their money to companies which will return the loans month by month or upon maturity.

Let's look at it in more detail, let's talk about the advantages this brings to investors.

3 Great advantages of investing my money in a business
Before deciding between these avenues that we mentioned, you need to keep the following tips in mind before investing in companies:

infographic invest my money

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