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What are Marketplaces and how to get the most out of them?

MarketPlaces or "digital supermarkets"


digital supermarkets

What are Marketplaces and how to get the most out of them?

Have you tried the possibility of selling your products on a Marketplace and thus increasing the visibility of your store?
Without a doubt, in recent years, this online distribution channel has considerably increased the number of stores that join them, in order to increase their sales possibilities.
And these MarketPlaces or "digital supermarkets", as they have been more commonly called, are one of the types of platforms most visited by all those users who want to make their purchases on the Internet.
Not in vain, the convenience offered by these online macro-stores is comparable to that of walking through large stores and being able to visit dozens of stores from all sectors.
This allows the user to choose from a greater variety of products and services, increasing their user experience at all times, by having everything at their fingertips on a single platform.
But, it is possible that you still do not know what a marketplace is, so I will give you a more exact definition:
What is a Marketplace?
A Marketplace is a website that allows both sellers and buyers to interact with each other to carry out a commercial transaction.
In this type of platform, buyers and sellers remain in the technical and commercial environment of the sector until the transaction is finalized.
Therefore, this "virtual shopping center" serves to facilitate the sale between the seller and the buyer, ensuring that the transaction will take place under the best conditions.
In addition, the platform will position itself among trusted third parties.
In general, you will find "supermarkets" of physical products (DVDs, books...), but you can find intangible products such as source codes, e-books, etc.
Why might it be interesting to join a Marketplace?
You should know that all professional eCommerce managers, whether they are more or less beginners in the online world, can sell in them (small online stores, wholesalers, etc.)
This implies great competition among sellers.
You should also keep in mind that purchasing centers of this type reserve the right to accept or not accept some sellers or products depending on whether or not it suits the market place.
In fact, some market places are specialized in certain domains and, in fact, will not accept products that do not correspond to their image or that do not belong to their field of activity.
What is the negative factor of this type of platforms?
Although this initiative has a multitude of advantages, you should also be aware that, like almost everything, it has a less beneficial part.
And the thing is, you will be sharing this platform with other eCommerce that is similar to yours and that, therefore, are your direct competition.
In this way, making the simile with a large shopping center, if you walk through it, you can find several stores in its aisles that sell the same type of products. This is where the negative point lies.
With which, your potential clients will be able to focus their attention on other brands of your competition, in addition to your own.

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