General conditions
General conditions:
These conditions of use regulate access and use of the various content and services included or accessible through the website developed by TODO PARA TU GALGO EU. (hereinafter, EVERYTHING FOR YOUR GALGO EU), located at the address (hereinafter, the Website).

By simply using the Website you acquire the status of user. The use of the Website and any of its services means your acceptance as a user, without reservations of any kind, of each and every one of these general conditions.

Services provided through the Website
The Website will offer the following services:

General information and possibility of acquiring the products and services offered by TODO PARA TU GALGO EU; Offers and promotions that ALL FOR YOUR GALGO EU can offer;
Contact systems with EVERYTHING FOR YOUR GALGO EU;
Any other service that is included in the Website in the future.
TODO PARA TU GALGO EU reserves the right to unilaterally modify the presentation and configuration of the Website, as well as the corresponding services and conditions required for its use, without any right of compensation being derived in favor of the user.

Intellectual and Industrial Property
The user acknowledges that all elements of the Website and each of the services provided through it, the information and materials contained therein, the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents and the computer programs used in related to it are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights of TODO PARA TU GALGO EU itself or of third parties.

Unless authorized by TODO PARA TU GALGO EU or, where applicable, by the third party holders of the corresponding rights, or unless this is legally permitted, the user may not reproduce, transform, modify, disassemble, reverse engineer, distribute , rent, lend, make available or allow access to the public through any form of public communication of any of the elements referred to in the previous paragraph.

The user must use the materials, services and information accessed through the use of the Website and each of the corresponding services solely for their own needs, agreeing not to carry out either directly or indirectly commercial exploitation or of the services or the materials, elements and information obtained through them.

Exclusion of Guarantees
EVERYTHING FOR YOUR GALGO EU undertakes to carry out all necessary efforts to guarantee the availability and continuity of the Website as well as the services linked to it. However, TODO PARA TU GALGO EU cannot guarantee that the Website and the services linked to it function correctly at all times, that the user can access and use them quickly, uninterrupted and error-free. Likewise, TODO PARA TU GALGO EU does not provide any guarantee regarding the suitability and content of the Website or any of the services linked to it to satisfy the specific needs of the user.

Regarding the content of the Website, it only includes general characteristics and information that may vary over time.
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